Your appearance and manners, good or bad, can affect the size of your paycheck. Your business is only as good as its customer service.
Two eye-opening statistics come to mind:
- It takes five times more effort to get new customers than to retain your existing ones
- 68% of customer defection takes place because customers feel poorly treated
We have all walked out of a store or a restaurant because of lack of proper customer service. Chances are we shared that negative experience with friends or family.
According to the latest Customer Service Barometer from Consumer Reports magazine, the average number of people a customer will tell about a good customer service experience is: 9
The average number of people a customer will tell about a bad experience is: 16
With the increase in social media use and the spread of consumer opinions, it only takes a few bad reviews to affect your reputation.
At the International Etiquette Centre we demonstrate how your business can improve its bottom line with the right training for your staff through interactive workshops. Whether selling products or services, good customer service creates a positive experience and a lasting relationship with your clients.
Customer Service is not only for hotels, front office personnel, or sales people, but rather is a cost-effective tool that benefits all kinds of businesses, including:
- Professional: medical offices, attorneys, CPAs, financial advisors
- Hospitality industries: hotels, inns, spas, country clubs
- Retail establishments: department stores, boutiques
- Restaurants and spas
- Product and service providers: real estate salespeople, school personnel
Either your company will provide customers with good customer service or your competition will.
For more information Please feel free to contact us: (954) 921-0565 / (305) 332-4527 or via email
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